Mount Eej Khairkhan is part of the Altai and reaches its highest point at 2275 metres (1,41 mile) North of the strictly protected area of Gobi, in the province of Govi-Altai, sum of Tsogt. Since 1992, this 22.475-hectare area is protected as a Natural Reserve.

The locals venerate the granite formations of Eej Khairkhan. They think that the mountain is sacred and protects their children. What is singular in these rocky formations, is that they’re lined by a waterfall running along the rock and flowing into nine natural “stone pots” of 2 to 4 metres (6,56-13,12 feet) in diameter. Many paintings representing ibex, horsemen and archers can be seen on the rocks.

On the spot, you will also see the cave of a hermit containing Buddhist statues and an altar-shaped rock that is venerated by the locals.


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