The Tumen Ekh Ensemble is one of the best national song and dance ensembles in Mongolia. “Tumen Ekh” in the Mongolian (language) is the expression of “a leader or vanguard of everything”. In 1989, a group of outstanding artists took the name of the famous folk song “Tumen Ekh” and joined together to form this ensemble.
Locaton: Genghis Avenue, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Direction: Near “Gurvan Gal” trade center
Folk Music
Mongolian musical instruments were spread in other Asian countries such as China, and in return Arabian, Indian and European musical culture was brought into Mongolia which enriched the fund of Mongolian musical instruments.
Folk Dance
Dance is one of the earliest types of art and Mongolian folk dance is closely related with its nomads civilization.
Morin Khuur ( Horse Head Fiddle)
It is one of the ancient traditional musical instruments of Mongolians and it could be found only in Mongolia.
The Shaman Dance
From ancient time of Genghis Khan, Mongolians have been believing in Shamanistic traditions
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